The Collective Conference by CORE Group – 2022 Downtown Marriott Austin, Texas

The Collective Conference And Trade Show Event is produced by CORE Group, and is hereinafter referred to as “Show Management.”

1. Contract for Space: The contract for space, the formal notification of space assignment and full payment of fees severally constitute a contract between the exhibiting organization, hereinafter known as the Exhibitor, and Show management, for the right to use space for The Collective Conference by CORE Group. The contract is based upon the plan of exhibit rates shown thereon and general information contained in the exposition prospectus and sales kit, all of which are to be considered along with details on all pages of this form as part of the contract. All measurements shown on the floor plan are approximate and Show Management reserves the right to make such modifications as may be deemed to be necessary, making equitable adjustment with any exhibitor or exhibitors thereby affected. Show Management also reserves the right to adjust the floor plan to meet the needs of the exposition.
2. Installation and Dismantling of Exhibits: Delivery of freight, installation of exhibits and completion of erection of exhibits will take place on the dates hereinafter shown. The exhibits must be ready for inspection no later than 90 minutes prior to opening of the first show day. Should an exhibit not be set by this time, Show Management reserves the right to have the Official Exhibit Services Contractor install the exhibit or remove unopened freight at the expense of the exhibitor. Dismantling may not begin until the close of the exposition on the final show day. Goods and materials used in any display shall not be removed from the exhibit hall until the exposition has officially been closed. Any exception to this rule must have the written approval of Show Management. Dismantling must be completed and all exhibit materials removed by the final move-out date and hour shown. (NOTE: Exhibitors are advised to remove small, portable items immediately upon conclusion of the exposition.
3. Storage – Boxes and Packing Crates: Exhibitors will not be permitted to store boxes or packing crates in or behind exhibit booths. Prior to 90 minutes prior to opening on the first show day, all boxes and crates will be placed in storage provided they are properly labeled for storage. Those not so labeled will be removed and destroyed as refuse. (NOTE: Storage labels will be provided at the Official Exhibit Services Contractor’s Desk.)
4. Minors and Children: For the health and safety of conference attendees and guests, persons under 18
years of age will not be permitted in the exhibit area at any time. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
5. Floor Plan: The floor plan for this exhibit will be maintained as originally presented wherever possible. However, Show Management reserves the unqualified right to modify said plan to the extent necessary for the best interests of the exhibit, the exhibitors, and the industry. Show management reserves the right to relocate Exhibitors into comparable spaces other than those specified on the executed Exhibitor Booth Contract if it is deemed advisable and necessary and in the best interest of the show. In the event of relocation, Exhibitors will be advised in writing and given the option of selecting another location if available.
6. Applications for Space – Conditions: Reservations must be made on the attached space application form which must contain complete information. Show Management reserves the right to reject applications for space by any company at any time. It is the policy of CORE Group and Show Management to limit the use of exhibit spaces to firms whose products or services contribute to the purposes of the event. All exhibiting companies will be ranked via participating category and will be given the opportunity to select space according to level of participation. NO CASH SALES WILL BE PERMITTED during the course of the event. Space assignment will be indicated on the accepted contract, however, should conditions or situations warrant, Show Management has the unqualified right to reassign space for the best interest of the exposition. Exhibitors must rent sufficient space to contain their exhibit completely within the confines of booth lines. Equipment and/or booth staff may not extend into the aisles, over the aisles, or across the exhibitor’s purchased booth line. Heights and Depths addressed in the Exhibitor Kit must be observed.
Wait List: The Collective Conference by CORE Group traditionally maintains a wait list for available space. Exhibitors have an opportunity to be placed on a wait list for an alternative location on the show floor upon request. Exhibitors must have space reserved and appropriate payment received to be moved per the wait list request (see Section 7. Payment Schedule/Cancellation or Reduction of Space).

7. Payment Schedule/Cancellation or Reduction of Space: Cancellation of this contract or reduction of space must be in writing, and by mutual consent of the applicant and Management, except that Management may unilaterally cancel this contract for non-payment of any balance due by the date specified. Space cancelled or reduced on or before April 1, 2022 will be charged a 40% service charge on the net cost of the original space. Space cancelled or reduced after April 15, 2022 will incur a 75% service charge on the net cost of the original space. The full contract price is due and payable and non-refundable for any space cancelled or reduced on or after May 1, 2022. An exhibitor who cancels its booth space contract must pay a cancellation fee, as noted above, which allows The Collective Conference by CORE Group to recover the administration expenses incurred in preparing for the participation of the canceling exhibitor and which it will incur in attempting to resell the booth. Cancellation requests for registration must be submitted in writing. Please e-mail your request(s) to attend@thecollectivebycore.com. Please note that Coronavirus (COVID-19) refund requests made after May 1, 2022 will not be honored unless there is a government advisory prohibiting your attendance at the meeting. Should a government advisory or any other decision by the host hotel or CORE Group prevent this meeting from taking place in-person, the meeting will be canceled, and your fees will be refunded in full.

8. Sharing/Subletting Space: No exhibitor shall assign, sublet, or apportion the whole or any part of the space allotted, or have representatives, equipment, or materials from other than their own firm in the said space. Show Management policy prohibits subcontracting of exhibit space. Should an exhibitor decide to cancel, exhibit space reverts back to Show Management.
9. Exhibitor Personnel: Each exhibitor will furnish Show Management, in advance, the names of those persons who will staff the booth on the Exhibitor Personnel Form furnished by Show Management in the Exhibitor Service Manual. Personnel will be admitted to the show floor 45 minutes prior to show opening each day. In the event earlier admission is required, special permission must be obtained from Show Management. Exhibitor’s representatives manning the exhibit will be owners, employees or agents of exhibiting companies, and such representatives will wear proper badge identification furnished by the exposition. Such badges will be supplied upon presentation of the list of personnel by the exhibitor or by application made at the Exhibitors’ Registration Desk. Each exhibitor will place on file in the Show Management Office the name of the representative (including hotel or local phone number) who has primary responsibility on the floor for the exhibitor’s display, and who is authorized to make decisions for the exhibitor as requested by Show Management on-site or in the case of an emergency.
Note: Supplying Exhibitor personnel badges to current or prospective customers by exhibitors is expressly forbidden. If such use of exhibitors’ badges is made and this is recognized, individuals wearing said badges will be removed from the premises and badges will be confiscated. Show Management will supply Guest Passes, which the Exhibitor may distribute to said customers for purpose of attendee registration. The Exhibitor personnel registration is to be used solely for employees or agents of the Exhibitor.
10. Displays and Construction: Show Management has arranged for a standard uniform booth background, including header sign (7” x 44”) with exhibitor’s name and booth number. Equipment must be spotted within the confines of the exhibit space, and allow sufficient space for exhibitor personnel to conduct business within the space. All demonstrations must be within the confines of the exhibit space. Aisles must not be obstructed at any time by exhibitor personnel or attendees. Show Management reserves the right to unilaterally determine if a demonstration interferes with adjacent exhibit spaces and may, if necessary, order its discontinuation.
Note: Please refer to the exhibitor manual for specific booth dimension instructions.
11. Contractors Services: All services, such as furniture, carpeting, labor, cleaning, storage of boxes and crates, shipping and other special services must be arranged through the Official Exhibit Services Contractor. An Exhibitor Service Manual will be provided with proper forms for ordering such services. Forms should be carefully prepared and returned by the deadlines noted to avoid late charges. Independent Contractors: Notification to use an independent contractor to install/dismantle exhibits must be received forty-five (45) days prior to the first day of the show. If an exhibitor elects to use any contractor other than the official contractors designated by The Collective Conference by CORE Group, Show Management will at no time be in a position to intercede in disputes on behalf of the exhibitor. See rules in Exhibitor Service Manual for other requirements. Notification to use independent contractor(s) must go to both show management and the Official Exhibit Services Contractor.
12. Character of Exhibits: It is the desire of Show Management that each exhibitor design and create an exhibit of an attractive nature which will enhance the overall appearance of the exposition and be a credit to the industry. We request that all exhibitors respect applicable clauses of the American with Disabilities Act. Show Management reserves the right to approve the character of the display and to prohibit any display which, because of noise or other objectionable features, detracts from the general character of the exposition. Exhibits must be in good taste as determined by Show Management. It is the exhibitors’ responsibility to create an attractive display area. Provided with the booth space rental by Show Management for a standard booth is 36” side cloth dividers, 8’back cloth backdrop, and 7” x 44” identification sign (see order form in Exhibit Service Manual). Any part of an exhibit space which does not compliment the purpose of the exhibition must be corrected at the exhibitor’s expense. Show Management reserves the unilateral right to correct any unsightly exhibit and the exhibitor agrees to pay Show Management for expenses incurred in making the necessary alterations.
13. Gadgets, Gimmicks, Demonstrations, Music and Sound: Side show tactics or other undignified promotional methods will not be permitted. Exhibitors are asked to observe the “good neighbor” policy at all times. Exhibits should be conducted in a manner not to be objectionable or offensive to neighboring booths. The use of photographers, musicians, entertainers, loud speakers, sound system equipment and noise-making devices are restricted to within the exhibitor’s booth. Show Management reserves the right to determine when such items become objectionable. Balloons, horns, odors, or congestion in Exhibitors’ booths are not permitted. Giveaways, demonstrations and/or entertaining the attendees in booths, must be arranged so that attendees coming into the exhibit do not block aisles or overlap into neighboring exhibits. The operation of equipment indoors will not be permitted on a continuous basis. Operation of equipment may be approved for demonstration purposes for short periods (approximately one to five minutes), provided Show Management is notified in writing (30) days prior to the first day of the show. Booths must be policed by each exhibitor so that disruption or noise level from any demonstration or sound system is kept to a minimum and does not interfere with others. Show Management reserves the exclusive right to determine at what point a disruption or sound level constitutes interference with other exhibits and must be discontinued. Exhibitors may be asked to discontinue any demonstrations indoors during show hours if surrounding exhibitors lodge complaints of excessive noise or other disruptions. Racing lights, flashing lights and strobe lights are considered offensive to neighboring booths and are not permitted unless it is part of the product demonstration. Exhibitors may take photos or videos of their display, however, they are not permitted to directly take pictures of any other display, or instruct others to take such pictures, without written permission by Show Management and the exhibitor whose display is being photographed. Exhibitors must respect the privacy of other exhibitors and not intrude or disrupt another exhibitor while they are conducting business on the show floor.
14. Other Exhibits: The Exhibitor agrees that neither they, their agents nor their distributors will distribute publications or conduct any other display or exhibit any equipment bearing their trademark within a five mile radius of the exposition covered by this contract or its officially designated hotel properties during the dates of said exposition. This limitation does not apply to participation in other trade association exhibitions which may coincidentally be ongoing in the same city, or to exhibitor’s regular place of business or show room. Violation of this provision by an exhibitor will constitute a breach of the contract and Show Management may, in its sole discretion, cancel this contract and exhibitor will remove their display and any equipment contained in the exhibit hall and forfeit all payments to Show Management pursuant to this contract.
15. Soliciting – Access to Lists, Samples & Prizes: No exhibiting firm, organization or trade publication, regardless of its product or service, is permitted to sell product off the show floor. No soliciting of registrants shall be permitted in the aisles or in other exhibitors’ booths. Samples, catalogues, pamphlets, publications, souvenirs, etc., may be distributed by exhibitors and their representatives (including hosts and hostesses) only within their own booths. No exhibitor will be permitted to conduct any prize drawings, awards for signing of names and addresses, etc., without prior written approval of Show Management. Signs showing the price of items must not be displayed. Show Management reserves the right to limit access to attendee, exhibitor and any other list or information gathered by Show Management, or its contractors. Exhibitors that publish industry publications may distribute their publications outside their booths only to the other exhibitors and only during show hours. Show sponsors that produce industry publications may distribute their publications to exhibitors at times designated by show management.
16. Flammable Materials: Flammable fluids, substances, or material of any nature are prohibited in the booth and in the storage area behind the booth. All decorative materials must be flame-proofed before being taken into the exhibit hall, and must comply with local fire regulations. Transferring of flammable liquids while in the exhibit hall is expressly prohibited. Electrical equipment and wiring must meet all safety codes.
17. Beverages and Foods: Food and/or beverages may be supplied by the exhibitor, with the prior written consent of Show Management and the Facility. Alcoholic beverages may not be served in the exposition without prior written consent of Show Management and the facility. Note: Exhibiting company may be fined or required to pay fees for all beverages or foods not previously approved by show management. Corkage fees to the Facility may be required.
18. Liability: Neither Show Management, the official service contractors, exhibit hall management,Show Management’s security service, nor any of the officers or employees of the above will be responsible for the safety of property of exhibitors from theft, strikes, damage by fire, water, storm or vandalism or other causes. Show Management will take reasonable precautions through the employment of security personnel to protect exhibits from such loss. All property of the exhibitor is understood to remain in the exhibitor’s custody and control in transit to or from or within the confines of the exhibit hall and subject to the rules and regulations for the exposition. Note: Exhibitors are to carry insurance to cover exhibit materials against damage and loss and public liability insurance against injury to the person and property of others. By executing the Contract for Exhibit Space, Exhibitor warrants that there is in effect said insurance policy covering the Exhibitor, with coverage remaining current through Exhibitor’s occupancy of The Collective Conference by CORE Group. Exhibitor must comply with all federal, state, local and exposition facilities’ safety regulations. Corrections will be made at Exhibitor’s expense. If corrections cannot be made, exhibit shall be removed at Exhibitor’s cost, with no liability accruing to Show Management. Under no circumstances may the weight of any exhibit material exceed the specified maximum floor load of the exhibit hall. Exhibitor accepts full and sole responsibility for any injury or damage to persons or property resulting from failure to distribute the placement of his exhibit material to conform with the
floor loading specifications.
Indemnity: Exhibitor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Show Management, its officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all third party claims and other liabilities (including reasonable attorney’s fees) that are caused by, arise from, or grow out of the negligent acts or omissions of the Exhibitor, its agents, officers, employees, representatives, servants, invitees,
patrons, or guests. The exhibitor is charged with knowledge of all local laws, ordinances and regulations pertaining to business licenses, health, fire prevention and public safety affecting his participation in the exposition. Compliance with such laws is mandatory for all exhibitors and is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. If unusual equipment is to be installed, the exhibitor must communicate with Show Management for information concerning the facility or applicable regulations. Show Management will not be liable for the fulfillment of this contract as to the delivery of space if non-delivery is due to any of the following causes: By reason of the building being destroyed or substantially damaged by fire; act of God; public enemy; strikes; authority of law; or any other cause beyond the control of Show Management.
19. Damage: Exhibitors will be liable for any damage caused by fastening fixtures to the floors, walls, columns or ceilings of the exhibit building and for any damage to equipment furnished by Show Management or service suppliers designated by them.
20. Violation: The interpretation and application of these rules and regulations are the responsibility of Show Management. Any violation by the exhibitor of any of the terms or conditions herein shall subject exhibitor to cancellation of its contract to occupy booth space and to forfeiture of any monies paid on account thereof. Upon written notice of such cancellation, Show Management shall have the right to take possession of the exhibitor’s space, remove all persons and properties of the exhibitor
and hold the exhibitor accountable for all risks and expenses incurred in such removal.
21. Social Functions/Special Events: Social functions or hospitality activities during The Collective Conference by CORE Group, in the host venues are reserved for exhibiting companies and must be approved and booked by Show Management.
22. Show Rules: In the event that unforeseen events make it necessary, Show Management will have the right to amend these rules and regulations or make additions thereto, and all such amendments or additions shall be made known promptly to each exhibitor. Show rules are promulgated separately and are tailored to the individual exhibit hall.
23. Labor: Exhibitors must comply with union work rules where applicable. Union labor will be made available.
24. Credit: Each exhibitor or their agent/agency must have no outstanding past due invoices with Show Management. Past due invoices billed to the exhibitor or their agent/agency must be paid before exhibitors will be allowed access to The Collective Conference by CORE Group.
25. Code of Conduct: The Code of Conduct outlines our expectations for participant behavior, as well as the consequences for unacceptable behavior. By participating at The Collective, you agree to adhere to the Code of Conduct policy which can be found here.